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Thanks Vanessa! I am a big fan of using NANOWRIMO as a launching point for first drafts (and I still haven’t pumped out “One Hundred Years of Solitude” just yet lol) but it does lend itself to poorly constructed writing that can be very tedious to consider the next 12 stages or revision and edits. For me, I have been working on combining the personal essay with some academic style exploration of topics. The struggle for me is trying to dig deeper in a limited word count and add a personal touch to the arguments. Separately, readership on Substack is changing even more with the introduction of seasoned professionals with a large following a the drive by Substack to incorporate influencers into the platform. What began as a community of newsletters and modest essays and serialized work that brought back a level of intellectual curiosity from readers seems to have drifted more into an algorithm promoting popularity through Notes. But I spend more time reading on Substack rather than writing anyway and never saw this as an avenue for anything more than limited accountability and modest exploration. Keep up the good work…I have been traveling and now just trying to catch back up!

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