Slime mold-based computers! And yet, we're all basically alone. Great vignette, Vanessa. Do you know "Imitosis" by Andrew Bird "Where single cells would swing their fists at anything that looks like easy prey?" Perfect song for this!
Thanks, haha! Now that I think about it, I might have done the same while writing it. My work is very much a collaborative team effort, it would even make sense.
Thank you! My new workplace is very diverse so this sort of playing around with identity feels more meaningful now although I've enjoyed it for some time.
Hope you are adjusting well over there beyond just work environment! It was confusing a bit at first and bit more clear on the second read and it was interesting to imagine a bio-computer writing a diary. Then further question what it means to be a human if computers write diaries. Would they even dream or count sheep at that point?
Is the protagonist human or a computer though? Where would you even draw the line?
I'm doing well. It's definitely not all smooth sailing but that's to be expected. I bet it will get easier as time goes on, this is where I want to be after all!
Slime mold-based computers! And yet, we're all basically alone. Great vignette, Vanessa. Do you know "Imitosis" by Andrew Bird "Where single cells would swing their fists at anything that looks like easy prey?" Perfect song for this!
Very cool story! I like snippets like this. Is it weird that I imagined all this in the setting of my own workplace xD
Thanks, haha! Now that I think about it, I might have done the same while writing it. My work is very much a collaborative team effort, it would even make sense.
Very cool, Vanessa. Really like the playful use of We here, especially with the footnote explanation of the inspiration.
Thank you! My new workplace is very diverse so this sort of playing around with identity feels more meaningful now although I've enjoyed it for some time.
Hope you are adjusting well over there beyond just work environment! It was confusing a bit at first and bit more clear on the second read and it was interesting to imagine a bio-computer writing a diary. Then further question what it means to be a human if computers write diaries. Would they even dream or count sheep at that point?
Is the protagonist human or a computer though? Where would you even draw the line?
I'm doing well. It's definitely not all smooth sailing but that's to be expected. I bet it will get easier as time goes on, this is where I want to be after all!
Amongst other things, this story triggers thoughts of von Neumann's cellular automata (e.g. Conway's 'Game of Life').
Fascinating! Although I will have to dig deeper than the cursory Google search I did just now to really understand what those are.